Exclusive Leisure and Spa Complex

Exclusive Leisure and Spa Complex


The Brief

This exclusive venue contacted us to remove old anti-slip tape from granite tiled corridors, and to conduct a deep cleaning of the corridors, pool surround & changing rooms and an anti-slip treatment to all of the floors in the spa complex.

The Sliptech Solution

Working overnight so to not disrupt the day to day running of the venue.  The granite tiles were soaked with a release agent and the safety tape then removed by hand.

All surfaces were then deep cleaned using a degreaser to remove body fats and surface contamination before being thoroughly rinsed with clean water.  A calcium cleaner was applied to all floors and scoured with a diamond pad before removing the excess residues with a scrubber drier and rinsing the area thoroughly with clean water.

Our bespoke anti-slip treatment was then applied using a low pressure sprayer.

Slip Resistance Test Results:

The results showed the dramatic increase the deep cleaning and anti-slip treatment had made to the safety of the floors moving the floors into the ‘low’ potential for slip category.

Average Readings Pre Treatment             17

Average Readings Post Treatment           47

All tests were carried out using the Stanley Munroe Pendulum Slip Meter in accordance with BS: 7976-2 (2002) and results are correlated against the following table which are recommended by the HSE and U.K. Slip Resistance Group:

The categories are as follows:

25 & below (0.25) – high potential for slip

26-35 (0.26-0.35) – moderate potential for slip

36 & above (0.36+) – low potential for slip


Following our works we issued a full report, certification and a recommended maintenance schedule to follow to ensure the floors remained in the ‘low’ potential for slip category.